вівторок, 10 жовтня 2017 р.

eTwinning Project

I think it`s the right time to tell you what i actually do on eTwinning platform. So, this academic year starts with a plenty of new projects and I`m going to share with you one of them (because this one is almost finished). CELEBARATING EUROPEAN ATHEMS. Our project Celebrating European anthems is a common project to celebrate the European Day of Languages by learning about European hymns and was successfully integrated into event dedidated EDL (you can check here and give us your vote)
The students will get to know the meaning of the European hymns by listening to students of the project sing their national anthem in their language. They will make a short video of their performance, so that other participants of the project can watch it and use it. They will translate the text in English and make subtitles for the videos, so that they can analyse it during the lesson. We will celebrate the European Day of Languages by watching all the videos of the performances, reading the texts in English and then by exploring the meaning of the anthems (similarities and differences in the common European learning environment) and broaden their knowledge about the European culture and anthems. Drawings or mindmaps will be created and shared in the Twinspace of the project. So, what i can say by the end of the project. This one was a great motivation and a good start for a whole year. My students are inspired and ready to participate and collaborate in other eTwinning projects.

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